Minutes of Meeting 17th June




Cllr. J. Forrester

Cllr. M. Russell (Chair)

Cllr D Batchelor (Vice-Chair)

Cllr Mark Winnington

Gayle Whelan (Parish clerk)

21/17 Apologies.

All councillors were in attendance in person.

21/18 Declarations of interest in the following agenda:


21/19 Previous minutes:

The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as a true record of the meeting.


Questions from the public

Action updated: Highways Agency have been contacted regarding speed monitoring. Cllr Russell has requested a speed monitoring wire for the village to enable an informed decision.

Action updated: Quotes for the work have been provided to Streetscene, who will cover the cost of the work.

The parish council has received a request for bulb planting on the grass bank between the church yard gates. Cllr Winnington also suggested that wildflowers may also be good.

Action: Parish clerk will respond to the query and contact Streetscene regarding not mowing wildflower area.

21/21 Finance matters:

Cllr Batchelor has formatted the budget spreadsheet, and the parish clerk will meet to finalise the spreadsheet for the forthcoming year.

Action ongoing: Councillors are still looking into the possibility of alternative banking after a number of difficulties with Natwest Bank over the years. Cllr Russell will make contact with Gnosall clerk and call into/call and enquire at Nat West Bank.

Accounts to date:

The latest statement date for 30 April 2021 showed:

Reserve account balance £978.00

Current account balance (as of 01.07.2020) £11,952.58.

Annual Budget 2021/2022:

Three invoices were agreed and cheques were signed:

Payment for the Christmas Tree for £228.00, litter picking equipment £87.48 was signed and SPCA subscriptions for the year 2021/2022 totalling £142.00.

Clerk's salary discussion (parish clerk exited the meeting):

Councillors agreed that the parish clerk rate of pay should be set at £10.19 per hour (spindal column point 18). Cllr Batechelor proposed, and Cllr Winnginton seconded the motion. All councillors agreed unanimously.


Mowing: Mr Jones has offered to clear the mown grass mound from the churchyard. It appears mowing has continued as per contract.

Action ongoing: This has not yet been completed.


Road repairs have been completed along Stocking Lane. However, more white lines have appeared along with broken tarmac.

Action ongoing: Cllr Winnington is to arrange a site visit with Highways.

Footpaths: Nothing further to report.

Gulleys and weeding: It was agreed that this matter be discussed later on in the year.

Action ongoing: Streetscene have been asked about when the next village roadsweep is due.

20/22 Clerk's report


20/23 Planning updates


20/24 Chairman's questions/items for information/next agenda

Councillor interviews were arranged for Tuesday June 22nd at 6.30pm and 7pm. Cllrs Russell, Batchelor and Forrester will be in attendance.

The next parish council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, July 15, 2021 at 7.30pm

Signed.................................................. Date...........................

Gayle Whelan, Ranton Parish Council Clerk. rantonparishcouncil@gmail.com